We help people with different abilities take control of their lives.

We’re a person-centred disability support provider with big heart and a big difference.
We believe through learning, working and engaging with others, lifelong relationships are made. We’re your Great Mates for life.
Live with Great Mates
Whether you’re ready to live independently or looking for a short break in your home away from home, we can help. No matter where you are on your journey, we’re here with you every step of the way. Best of all, you’ll have the choice and flexibility to suit your lifestyle.
Work with Great Mates
Every day is a new opportunity and we’re all about opportunities. Our innovative supported employment initiatives will have you involved in community, working alongside like-minded people to build skills, knowledge and experience in stimulating and fun environments.
Learn with Great Mates
Knowledge is power, and we make the small things count. Whether it’s folding the laundry, cooking up a storm in the kitchen or taking the bus to the local shopping centre, we’ll equip you with the life skills you need or desire.
Life with Great Mates
We embrace life to its fullest and encourage you to make the most out of every day. With Great Mates, you’ll have the opportunity to experience new things, travel to new places and meet new people along the way.
Nursing with Great Mates
Stay healthy, happy and well with professional nursing care. Whether you need short-term care or ongoing support, our team of registered nurses can tailor your care to meet your needs and lifestyle.